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Fitness Tips While You Travel

Quote ” fit body – fit mind.”

This article is going to focus on a fitness tips while you are travelling. This article will be upgraded on a continuous basis for travel tip, gear and otherall health of mind, so please like, share and subscribe, you may feel the benefit:)



How to Use a Foam Roller the Right Way

Foam rollers can reduce pain, prevent injury, and maybe even help you up your bedroom game. Here’s how to use one.

By now, you’ve probably seen all kinds of foam rollers scattered around your gym. Vibrating ones. Knobbed ones. Extra-long, torso-sized ones. Foam rollers that actually roll up and fit in your carry-on. If you’ve never used one, the fitness tool looks a lot more like a Mega Man buster gun than an essential instrument for overall fitness and health. And now is the time to start.

“Using a roller will make you more efficient in every movement you do,” says fascia and alignment specialist Lauren Roxburgh, who has worked with her fair share of MLB And NBA players, including Baron Davis. “It will help you roll away density, scar tissue, and knots that build up in your body, lubricate joints, and reduce inflammation in the body while increasing flexibility and range of motion.”

So essentially, foam rolling is to your workout plan like the Rolling Stones is to the music industry: groundbreaking. But, like Jagger, it can’t really be for everyone, right?

Turns out, like ” Start Me Up,” it can be. “[A roller can] help you reach your highest physical potential, whatever your age or stage. So whether you want to reduce persistent pain, boost your fitness, improve your pickup basketball game or your bedroom game. The roller can really help.”

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For advice on how to use one, Roxburgh breaks it down for us by muscle group.


How to Use a Foam Roller the Right Way


Lie on a mat with the roller placed under your upper back, leaning your mid-back over to the left on the roller. Interlace your fingers behind your head to support your head and neck. Using your feet to drive the movement, inhale as you roll up and lean to the left on the roller to massage the lats and underarm area, stopping at your armpit. Exhale as you roll and massage down the armpit and lats, stopping at the bottom of your ribcage, and then roll back up.

Repeat this movement 8 to 10 times on each side.


With the roller placed under your calves, right below the knee (but take care to stay off the back of the knee). Cross your left calf over your right calf on the roller. Place your hands on the ground a few inches out on either side of your hips, fingers pointing outward. Press down into your hands to lift your bottom off the mat, keeping your calves balanced on the roller. Roll out each calf 10 times.Adductors/Inner Thighs

Come down to your forearms with your torso facing the mat, and place the roller under your right upper inner thigh. (To do this you will need to bend your right knee up and out to the side and place the foam roller up and under your groin, parallel to your torso.) Taking care to keep your upper body square to the ground as you move, use your forearms and left leg to power the motion as you roll the roller out toward the knee—stopping just above it—and back up to your groin.

Repeat this motion eight to ten times on each side.


How to Use a Foam Roller the Right Way


Come down to your forearms with your stomach facing the floor. Place the roller under your hips. Keep your abs engaged to prevent overarching your lower back. Exhale as you roll all the way down to the tops of your knees. Inhale as you slowly roll up to your hips.

Repeat this motion eight to ten times on each side.Hamstrings

Sit on your mat and place the roller beneath your hamstrings. Place your hands behind you with fingertips pointing out to the side. Press your hands into the mat to lift your bottom off the floor. Continue pressing your hands into the mat and engage your core to rock yourself forward and backward, pushing the roller up and down the hamstrings, from just under the bones at the base of your pelvis that you sit on to just above the knee. Breath deeply, exhaling as you move forward and inhaling as you move backward.

Repeat this motion ten times on each side



High Plank Exercises

You need: Your body

Do: Each of the first five exercises below for 60 seconds, before moving on to a three-minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) without rest.

High plank hold

Get in a high plank position with shoulders over wrists, a straight line from shoulder to ankle. Engage the core; hold.

Superman raise

Start lying face down on the floor with arms overhead, palms down. Engaging your core and glutes, lift arms and legs up off the ground. Hold for 2 counts, lower back down for one rep.

Bear plank shoulder taps

Start in tabletop position with your toes tucked and knees lifted a few inches off the ground. Your shoulders should be directly over your wrists. Engaging the core, and without allowing your weight to shift over to one side, lift your right hand up and tap the left shoulder. Repeat on the opposite side for one rep.

Elbows-to-knees crunch

Start lying on your back with knees bent, feet on the ground, hands behind your head in a diamond shape. Simultaneously lift your knees up toward your chest and crunch up toward your waist, tapping your knees to elbows. Hold for three counts, lower down to start for one rep.

Hollow body full extension

Start lying on your back with your legs straight, and your arms extended overhead. Draw your belly button in toward your spine, pressing your lower back down to the floor, and keeping your knees together—lift your legs and arms a few inches off of the floor. Hold.

Rest one minute

3-Minute AMRAP

Do 6 reps of each exercise before moving onto the next, aiming for 3 to 5 total rounds


Superman raise

Start lying face down on the floor with arms stretched out, palms down. Engaging your core and glutes, lift your arms and legs up off the ground. Hold for 2 counts, lower back down for one rep.

High plank with alternating shoulder tap

Start in a high plank position (a.k.a., push-up starting position). Engage the core, keep the hips level, and lift the right hand to tap the left shoulder for one rep. Return hand to start; Repeat on the opposite side.

Mountain climber


Start in a high plank position with shoulders over wrists. Keep your elbows locked and your body in a straight line, while you lift your foot off the floor and drive your knee into your chest for one rep. Repeat quickly with the opposite leg.


Start lying on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor, hands behind the head creating a diamond shape. Crunch up toward the knees, engaging the core, lower back down for one rep.

Try the Tourandtakein Travel Workout Plan:

You can follow the above workout every other day, or even just once a week, and it’ll help you stay on target and keep you prepared for everything. If you only have five minutes here and there, that’s fine. Do squats when you can. Crank out a few pull-ups when you find something to hang from while on your hike, or bust out a plank in an epic location because why the hell not. 

Diet is 80% of the Battle!

Ugh, nobody wants to hear this while traveling, but how you eat will account for 80–90 percent of how you look and feel. Seriously! You can’t outrun a bad diet, and you can’t out-train one either.

What we’re trying to avoid is the depression and crash dieting that follows a trip full of overeating abroad: “Ugh, where did all of this fat come from? Time to starve me!” Nope, not anymore!

Instead, let’s put a decent plan in place so that we CANNOT go overboard while traveling and therefore skip drastic measures when we get back home — something that’s consistent and sustainable.

How do we do that? By building a simple, kickass nutrition plan that is easy to follow and applicable anywhere everywhere on the planet:

  • Eat real food most of the time. Liquid calories are brutal.
  • Don’t rely on meal timing or calorie counting.
  • Do the best you can. Don’t freak out!
  • Fit body, Fit mind.

What we’re aiming for is food that keeps us satiated and on target, i.e., mostly vegetables, some form of protein (be it from animal sources or legumes), and then some fruits and/or nuts — occasionally a bit of rice or potatoes, and minimal bread or pasta or liquid calories.

You’ve probably heard of this type of diet referred to as “the Paleo diet” or “eating like a caveman.” It’s the ultimate time-tested nutrition strategy, as you’re eating natural foods that have existed for millennia.

Better yet, these foods can generally be found anywhere on the planet, and it keeps things simple, so you don’t need to worry about counting calories or weighing your food. It’s one I’ve employed to great success throughout the world, but it does require you to be deliberate in your decision making with each meal.

You might be wondering specifically what you should and shouldn’t eat and how much. Let’s start with the “what,” and then we can cover the “how much.” Cap’n Crunch, pizza, pasta, bread, candy, soda — these are all processed foods full of nonsense, so we should avoid them whenever we can.

The focus should be on quality food from natural sources (this can often be easier in foreign countries than it is in the UK, as it seems this country is built around grains, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, and carbs!).

Here’s what you should be building your diet around:

  • Meat: Real animals with four legs
  • Fowl: Chicken, turkey, duck, hen — things with wings
  • Fish: This also includes shrimp, lobster, crab, mussels, clams, and other water-dwelling creatures.
  • Eggs: Chicken eggs, ostrich eggs, but not Cadbury Eggs!
  • Vegetables: Dark, leafy green veggies are a favorite. No, corn is not a vegetable!
  • Oils: Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil — think natural.
  • Fruits: A good source of carbs, but they can contain lots of natural sugar and can be higher in calories, so limit them if you’re trying to lose weight.
  • Nuts: Loaded with healthy fats but high in calories, they’re good for a snack, but don’t eat bags and bags of them.
  • Tubers: Sweet potatoes and yams. Higher in calories and carbs, but good right after a workout.
  • Bacon: Nature’s candy!

Every meal should have a protein source and at least one vegetable; add some fruits and nuts. Avoid dairy and grains, or only eat them in minimal quantities.

Now, I can already see your brow furrowing, and you probably have the following question: “What about rice and pasta? That’s all I eat when I travel!” I get it — the cheap backpacker diet consists of rice, beans, pot noodles, and pasta — the most calories for the least amount of money (usually freeing up more money for more drinking, and convenience).

These foods are pretty much just calories and carbs. If you’re trying to be healthy, make sure you are eating protein and vegetables too. Consuming some rice or pasta or beans is fine; just don’t make it the only thing you eat, just so you can drink more. Your body will thank you, I promise.



Much More to come:)


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Trains: Coming soon:)

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