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Convid-19 Update



Due to the virus worldwide epidemic, tourandtakein as well as many other responsible people, businesses have made the decision to stop travelling and stay put in a country, hopefully of there choice.

If you feel that you are isolated/emotional or don’t have the means for a secure settlement in these strange times. Please contact your Embassies, Immigration, support services of the country you are in or your country of origin and disclose your personal details and plans precisely, as not to waste anyone’s time and to come to hopefully a conclusion with your needs as quickly as possible.

We are not an advisory service and we wouldn’t want to give you any wrong information, however, we may be able to to assist through our experience of travelling and what you may be able to do if you are really stuck or put you in touch with someone who can.

Please stay safe and remember it can only get better!

We have an open ear if you really need it!


Tourandtakein Tribexx

