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Mindset – Travel is a Privilege (Just Do It!)

Let’s face it: not everyone is able to travel or wants to travel. Whether it’s, family obligations, money or just plain old circumstances, travel is out of reach for a large percentage of the world’s population.

In the “quit your job to travel the world” scenario, we often forget that it’s not easy for everyone and it isn’t. Thus tourandtakein.com will hopefully help you. As were all absolute beginners (David Bowie RIP.)

Many years on the road have shown me that for many of us, our willingness to adapt to travel is part of our mindset (We all envisage travel to be expensive and most times out of our reach, therefore, we don’t look for ways to make it cheaper and achievable.)

We all spend money on things we don’t need though! Let’s start there?

Do you really need that latest Apple phone because it has 2 more functionalities, that you may not need or a flexible screen? Does it not do the same as the one you have got? It’s a start, your thinking!! Why do I need the latest branded clothes with the companies logo on? Are they paying me for advertising? There must be something like it at half the price as it’s just the name I’m actually paying for!

There are those for whom no mindset change, spending cuts, or budget tips that may help them travel — those who are too sick, have parents or children to care for, face great debt, or work three jobs just to make rent and we fully understand.

Nothing any website/blog/influencer/networker can say will magically make travel a reality for some people.

Hence travel is a privilege may mean something.

Whether we quit our jobs/bunk off from graduating, which we don’t encourage! Spend two months in Europe/Asia, or take our children, parents on a short vacation, we get to experience something that most people in the world will never get a chance to do. TRAVEL! Jonny Cash-U2- The Wanderer.)

I’ve met people of all ages, incomes, abilities, and nationalities on the road. Famous people, rich people, people who live month to month still, as they did at home but in a warmer climate and seeing, feeling, touching, tasting and hearing things they would never achieve living month to month back home. They all have one thing in common, there love to travel and mostly all of them get on, due to that fact! Travel!

We are privileged. Not forgetting you have the opportunity to do something most people go to sleep only dreaming about. If I had a penny for every time one of my friends said I was living the dream, I would be travelling first class, We have the freedom and choice to move about the world in a way most people don’t. Go for it if you feel deep down that you can do it, you won’t be the first or the last, so enjoy.

That’s a form of privilege.

Always remember though gratefulness and have plan B and we’re here to help @ tourandtakein meet your new goals.

If you’ve got this far reading this, you’re on the way, onwards and upwards, practice in life makes perfect so they say.

See you soon hopefully,

Tourandtakein tribe.

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